I pledge allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag Of the United States of America And to the economy for which it stands: One nation under mammon, insolvent before its creditors, With paid vacation and personal days for all.

To survive, you must bend; you must adapt. We are all connected by plastic, copper, silicon, fiber, and radio waves carrying ones and zeros; and if you don’t log in, you will break. Are you juggling an exchange of bits over the cellular ether, an exchange of bits over Facebook chat, and an exchange of […]

The Wedge

Not yet conscious, not yet human, but headed in that direction. They worked you up in a glorious reeking haze, dulled senses unfeeling, and there you go. You were not planned, and neither was the act. Can’t kick yet and can’t tell her you’ve come because at this point, she could just be late. In […]