A First Corinthians Thirteen for Creativity

People think creativity is all about freedom. In reality it’s slavery. They think it’s about showing off your talents and your tools. It’s actually about discovering how inadequate you are and how uninteresting your tools are. They think it’s about the meat of what you say. It’s actually about what you leave unsaid. They think […]

The day of birds

She is plump, bright-eyed, bob-headed, brown-feathered. She is hungry. She is hunting rice. Rice doesn’t come easy; she has to wait. She has to compete with the faster ones and the sneakier ones, the ones whose feathers stay tight to their bodies ready for flight. But her feathers are fluffed. She is at home, safe, […]

Life is a small thing

Life is a small thing. You can’t stay up all day and all night. You can’t eat as much spaghetti as your gusto for tomato and basil would dictate. You can’t drink as much as your taste for malt and hops would have you do. You can only imbibe so much coffee before anxiety becomes […]