The Strife of Tongues

A thought came last night while I was falling asleep. “Reductionist” is an easy missile to lob at any argument that attempts to simplify seeming intellectual complexities. From within these complexities, sure, any meta-view appears retardedly simple. From outside, though, one can see the lab rats running back and forth within the maze, squeaking about […]

The Imaginary Obstacle of Measuring Up

That’s the second-to-last track on my friend John Daniel’s album. Listen here. Stewing in this peaceful ambient drone and contemplating this title, I’ve come up with a few thoughts. Measuring up is an obstacle; and for those of us who are trusting Christ, it is imaginary. Those around us may live under the weight of […]

The kingdom; the city

As I move from my early twenties (that time of life when it is all life, all possibility) into my mid-twenties (that time of life when possibilities dry up and you are squeezed and funneled more and more into a point), I find the promise of the kingdom, of true citizenship, taking on a sudden […]