Poetry Review: Glitter Bomb, Aaron Belz

“I am the light of the light at the center of the thing that’s happening the most important thing that’s happening currently” With that, Aaron Belz closes “So Galactic,” a monologue by an LA kid who plays (presumably guitar) in the Macronauts and wears pink hair and “crapped-up Vans.” I think I met this same […]

New novel in the works

Gentle Readership, I’m happy to tell you that I’ve finished the draft of a new novel. It’s called The Year of Perfect Sight. What’s it about? Glad you asked! Wesley Bennett wants the girl at the bar, but the apps in his vision can’t help him remember her name. He’ll have to follow her down the streets […]

guard the gift

Last night at Culture Changers in Cleveland, we talked about resumes and the professional culture of You’re Not Good Enough, and how this message destroys creativity. I wanted to share the mental process that I use to guard creative time from professional time (a.k.a. fear time). 1) Recognize the difference between Fear and Creativity. Getting […]